Six Delicious Super-Veggie Recipes to Celebrate Veganuary

Andrea Breaux
3 min readJan 22, 2023

Kaboom! The thunder crashing across the sky made Annie and LJ jump in surprise, followed by a burst of laughter partially from the shared joy of the moment and relief, knowing they were warm and safe in their home. It was a severe rainstorm that had been raging for days. Trees and electrical lines were down, and thousands had been cold and in darkness for too long. It seemed the whole state was flooded, including their region.

LJ hugged Annie, “all the work we did months ago to prepare for a wet winter might pay off. We harvested a lot of fruit and vegetables. What do you think about spending the day in the kitchen cooking food we can share with our friends who might be without power?”

“Good idea. Let’s have some fun with this. Since it’s Veganuary, how about making our six favorite veggie-rich recipes? It means we can use a lot of these vegetables.”

“Remind me about Veganuary again.”

Annie gave him the side eye. “Okay, Veganuary is a popular movement that encourages people to practice going vegan during January because a plant-based diet is essential to reducing our carbon footprint and protecting animal rights. Veganism requires less water, land, and energy to produce food. Also, it eliminates the negative impacts of animal agriculture and the demand for animal…



Andrea Breaux

Andrea started based on her goal to inspire a shift in consciousness that recognizes food-as-medicine as the core of good health.