Percolating Problems: Climate Change’s Wake-Up Call for Coffee Production

Andrea Breaux
4 min readJul 30, 2023

And What You Can do About It

The impact of climate change on coffee production cannot be overstated. It’s not just a problem but a looming disaster threatening the future of coffee. Small farms that depend on rain-fed agriculture are especially vulnerable to changing weather patterns resulting in prolonged dry spells, water shortages, hailstorms, erratic and extreme rainfall. These changes are already triggering new pest and disease epidemics, destroying crops and harvests. Without immediate action, coffee could become extinct by the end of this century. — Coffee&Climate

Annie stepped out of the shower, her skin tingling from the invigorating rush of water. Having just finished her morning run, she felt the satisfying burn in her muscles, signaling a perfect start to the day. Wrapping herself in a fluffy towel, she made her way to the bedroom window, drawn by the familiar sounds of LJ and their next-door neighbor, Bob’s voices drifting in the air. The day promised abundant radiant sunshine, its golden rays casting a warm glow on the scene before her. As she leaned against the windowsill, she spotted them engaged in an animated conversation, each holding a steaming cup of coffee.

Curiosity piqued; Annie strained to hear. Then, she caught a snippet of their conversation…



Andrea Breaux

Andrea started based on her goal to inspire a shift in consciousness that recognizes food-as-medicine as the core of good health.