Member-only story
Food for the Ark — Chapter Nine:
Medicinal Fruits from Chile’s Rainforest
The ark swayed in the sea near where the country of Chile and home of the Selva Valdiviana rainforest used to exist. Annie and LJ were here to access the condition and depth of the water for Gabriel, the leader of the survivors of the 500-day storm that destroyed the earth. He sent them as part of a plan to help determine where a receding ocean would reveal land first. It would be the initial place all arks would gather to begin restoring human habitat.
LJ walked into the seed room to find Annie immersed in the never-ending job of examining the condition of the 930,000 seeds that represented the entire planet’s biodiversity. “Hi babes, according to my calculations, we are right where the Southern Ocean connected to the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans.”
“That means we are at the tip of what was Chile,” said Annie, sadly. It was a beautiful, environmentally diverse country.
LJ hugged her, “yes, Chile was devoted to protecting its ecology. Twenty percent of the country’s landmass was designated for its forty-one national parks, forty-five reserves, and seventeen natural monuments. We have seeds from all its flora and fauna on board. Some day they will grow on earth again. We can reminisce about what we used to have before human-induced climate change destroyed our…