Fight Joint Inflammation and Support Joint Health with These Foods

Andrea Breaux
3 min readApr 30, 2023

May is Arthritis Awareness Month

Bump, bump, bump. Annie lifted her head from the watermelon patch she was weeding, listening attentively. The sound was coming from the garage, but it sounded different from what she was used to hearing. She adjusted her hat and stood up to follow the noise. It was a cool day when she started working in the garden, but now it was pleasantly warmer, making it a good day for gardening. LJ and she had planted many fruits and vegetables since early winter, and they were all beginning to grow fast; some were already flowering or producing fruit.

Annie went to the garage, expecting what she’d find there. Sure enough, LJ was finishing the installation of the last section of insulation on the inside panels. “That should stop the garage door from acting as a heat conductor this summer,” he commented, standing upright. He absentmindedly massaged his lower back.

“Does your back hurt?”

“All the bending and crouching has given my lower back quite a workout. I’m going to the club, sit in the steam room, and stretch to help loosen up my muscles.

“Alright, hold on — before you go, I made a lemon, ginger, and turmeric iced tea with anti-inflammatory properties. We also have green tea, packed with an antioxidant…



Andrea Breaux

Andrea started based on her goal to inspire a shift in consciousness that recognizes food-as-medicine as the core of good health.